Archive for September, 2013


Los Monstruos Refritos

Posted: September 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

and a couple more

More Later.

More Later.


With apologies to the late Carnac for the theft of one of his 1974 jokes.

With apologies to the late Carnac for the theft of one of his 1974 jokes.

I have spoken before of the Shed of Mysteries, the lair of a long-forgotten superhero, The Cartoonist” who, it was said, could alter reality briefly by literally sketching a hole in the fabric of time and space. What follows is a cartoon tour, historical material and a series of detail photos.

It is written that this humble tin-roof structure was the scene of the very first act of “magic” produced by the “fledgling” superhero (he was 66 at the time) who would later be known as the “Cartoonist”. It involved nothing more than drawing and writing a “reality” in which a bothersome colony of yellow jackets were transported to a more favorable location. The original hive was ensconced in a rotting cavity of the shed roof, just above the “Leaping Lizard’s” sign. (see arrow on pencil sketch above)
Though most of the “Cartoonist’s” exploits are cloaked in secrecy due to his alleged association with the Illuminati, his public triumphs, best-sellers, screen plays, documentary exposes; his roles as good will ambassador and donor of billions, put him squarely in the public eye. From 2011 to 2012, when the Mayan Calendar Episode catapulted him to global superstardom, his decade spanning career has literally saved the lives of millions, by defusing volatile political situations, bringing wrongs to light, subtly neutralizing counter-productive behavior with a well-turned phrase and comic rendering. And some say the “Cartoonist” continues to this very day.
But only the rumored sightings and undocumented accounts that fill the talk shows and kook websites persist, since the “Cartoonist” wrote and drew himself out of sight shortly after MOAB*2020.
The interior of the shed has been preserved as to cobwebs, grunge, and general state of decrepitude, but the actual “Writer” artifacts are now on display in the new Superhero Dome of the Smithsonian.. The works now tacked to the fiber board walls are only clever re-creations. The Sacred Muddy Waters Golden Mojo Cobra is the last remaining item which actually shared space and time with the “Cartoonist” prior to his disappearance.

We usually attend the Russian River Blues Festival by viewing the proceeds from the opposite side of the river, high above and a good distance from ground zero blues, in the bed of our specially equipped bluesmobile 9see picture way below). But this year we could not go through the complicated procedure necessary to get a primo viewing site alongside Neely Road due to the fact that Gail had to work on Monte Rio Beach. When she got off around 1:30 we got a couple of kayaks and took off to rendezvous with the kids and an altogether different adventure.

How we usually roll.

How we usually roll.

Here are a couple snaps of our adventures yesterday.
Water and music under the bridge and all around.

Water and music under the bridge and all around.

Some folks in the throng were in thongs.

Some folks in the throng were in thongs.

The highlights for me were the Boz Scaggs covers of two of my favorite Willy Deville songs, “Cadillac Walk” and “Mixed Up Shook Up Girl. The low light was pulling the much heavier kayak up themuch steeper incline.

Nothin' ain't no-thing.

Nothin’ ain’t no-thing.

And I left out a lot of the really boring stuff and some revealing glimpses at my nutritional naughtiness and weakness of character (KFC, I know it’s mostly made up of GMO grain fed rats, but it’s crispy and I …i’m so ashamed) But a tolerably good time was held by all. Aldo seemed pleased with Gail’s creation, a canine console cubby which he rode in with pride and comfort.

I started this the night after we got back to the love shack, and am just now typing the words to this caption with my right middle finger at 11:15 pm, Friday and it's raining.

I started this the night after we got back to the love shack, and am just now typing the words to this caption with my right middle finger at 11:15 pm, Friday and it’s raining.

The Moon was big last night, eh?

Shire Madness

Shire Madness