Archive for December, 2013

Another "Wow Factory"(c)  Rush Job.

Another “Wow Factory”(c)
Rush Job.




"Whatever", said the comfy snuggledog.

“Whatever”, said the comfy snuggledog.

Visions of asparagus, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and turkey dance in their heads.

Visions of asparagus, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and turkey dance in their heads.Visiones de espárragos, puré de patatas, salsa de arándanos y la danza del pavo en la cabeza.

And that goes for all our dear friends in Los Estados Unidos and my sister, Phyllis and all my nephews and nieces and great nephews and nieces on the East Coast.

And that goes for all our dear friends in Los Estados Unidos and my sister, Phyllis and all my nephews and nieces and great nephews and nieces on the East Coast.



Remember this?

That was then, this is now.

That was then, this is now.

Yesterday I did my first real hummingbird observations for Todos Santos Eco Adventures and ProFaunaBaja Hummingbird Monitoring Project. I got up bright and early and even before my first cup of coffee I was on the scene at La Cochora. I tried to ease into the dunes as inconspicuously as possible, strapped down with my binoculars, camera bag, pen, notes, identification illustrations, glasses and signature hat, all of which I juggled awkwardly every time I saw or heard a hummingbird. I soon realized all I had to do was sit on a rock quietly and watch. I began to see hummingbirds every where, buzzing around small red flowers (later identified by fellow birder Roger Snyder as Anisacanthus quadrifidus wrightii) zipping up to a high sprig of an unidentified shrub as an observation point, or literally zooming right by my nose on their merry hyperactive ways. The light was not such that I could discriminate color for identification purposes, but Roger, who has a much better camera than mine, took excellent photos and has determined that the hummers we saw were Costa’s. I’ll show you the photos I took of the birds, their flower choice and some of the scenery I saw yesterday at dawn. I went back later at dusk and due to thick clouds and minor precipitation saw absolutely nada.

Don't worry, it's not contagious.

Don’t worry, it’s not contagious.