Archive for April, 2012

Happy Birthday Willie Nelson.

Rosie came first, then the egg rolled on.

Just another view of Cletus and His Duck, with Rosie and Egg.

Who laid the egg?

This character is actually modelled after a real vaudeville act. Robert loaned me a VHS documentary with the comedian/duck act, but I have yet to borrow a VHS player. I keep forgetting to borrow the one Teacher Teri offered me at Loving and Learning. I may want to change the drawing after I see the act. This is the first attempt.

Quacking Up

Harper Lee (To Kill A Mockingbird)

If you're gonna be a one hit wonder, make it a really big hit.

Penelope Cruz

I drew this picture of Salma Hayek a while back. Always thought it looked more like Penelope Cruz, so I'm using it here.

"He can't even throw his age anymore."- Aldo

Just follow the bouncing ball and sing along!

Easy, old friend. I smell trouble. Or was that you farting again?

Aldo says I forgot to mention his audition. You see he has been lobbying very actively to be a part of the story I’ve been working on with Bob Nichols. I told him repeatedly that there were no parts for dogs. Ducks, chimps, pigs, kangaroos, rabbits, si. Dogs no.

Then lo and behold, when I got to my last meeting with Bob, he had rewritten a big section, cutting the kangaroo segment and creating a new role for a  conceited canine movie star. A dog to provide conflict for the feline star of the story. Is that ideal for Aldo? I suppose, but you know what they say about working with family members. I have reservations.

Anyway he did a cutesy little song and dance routine audition, Bob liked him and he got the part. I was going to include a snapshot from his “screen test”, but it has mysteriously disappeared.

"It's not unusual..."- T. Jones

Surrogate MewMa