Posts Tagged ‘shrinking’

The weather has been unusual recently, humid and overcast. So when the sun came out for a while this afternoon I decided to go outside and draw. My attention was drawn to the purple sage near the driveway. It was abuzz with bees. I wondered what it would be like to be small and zippy like bees and hummingbirds. This is what resulted.


It is a shame that Albert Dekker, the noted character actor (seen here as the evil “Dr. Cyclops” in the film of the same name) could not have lived long enough to take on the role of Dick Cheney, if there is ever a biopic made about the venomous Vice President. He would have been a perfect fit. Dekker was even a California legislator in the 60’s.

I read a sordid description of his supposedly accidental death. I will spare you the details, since this is a family blog, but suffice it to say, he has been referred to as the Godfather of Autoerotic Asphyxiation.
If you really must dig into the dirt, here you go:
He was a veteran of many films and theatrical productions including:
Beau Geste (1939), Wake Island (1942), Incendiary Blonde (1945), The Killers (1946), East of Eden (1954), Kiss Me Deadly (1955), Suddenly Last Summer (1955), The Wild Bunch (1969)